Living Sacrifices.

by - 20:54:00

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." Romans 12:1 (NKJV)

Hi everyone! It has been way too long and I sincerely apologize for that. I am at the stage where I have become a bit to obsessed with balancing out my posts. So its where I do not want to overdue things with either having way too many write ups or pictures at the same time. 

Do you see where i'm coming from? (hopefully you do!)

I have so many new outfit ideas to share with you all but unfortunately, they won't be out till July! 

My little sister, is my photographer (you would never guess who trained her?) and she currently has an overload of exams coming up and so it would be really selfish of me to take her attention away from something so important.

Be assured that if I am able to find someone to replace her, then the pictures will surely come flooding in!



I stumbled across this scripture the other day whilst reading a book titled 'God is a matchmaker - Derek Prince'. I know it seems like I may have some obsession with relationships and so I am eagerly preparing for them but I promise you that is not the case!

I do not actually go looking for the books! In fact, I would say it is the other way round. 

Romans 12:1 is one of those scriptures that many Christians grew up with. We all memorized it but never really understood (well in great depth).

I found a very interesting explanation of it in Derek's book and so I thought I would share it with you guys.

Whilst explaining, Derek Prince gives us a bit of background history.He briefly explains the use of an altar in the Old Testament.They are raised structures that people used to put sacrifices on. Altars were also used as a place of worship.

When it came to Gods forgiveness, there had to be a shedding of blood and so the sacrifice (usually the innocent victim)would take on the punishment and judgement of the person who was offering the sacrifice. When that happens, the guilty person/sinner would then receive forgiveness and atonement from God. Before a sacrifice was placed on the altar, it was first slain and then the dead animal was put on the altar.This can be compared to what Jesus did for us on the cross. He became the ultimate sacrifice for all our sins/wrongdoings. His own blood was shed for us and by believing that we receive forgiveness from GOD.

During the old testament, making sacrifices was very frequent as it people kept sinning but when Christ died for us, that sacrifice was once and for all. 

God is now calling us to be living sacrifices. So living because Christ has already paid the price and so we no longer have to present a dead sacrifice on the altar before God.

With this scripture, God is calling us to put our bodies on his altar. He wants our bodies to take the role of the animals but rather than a dead sacrifice, we are called to be living sacrifices!

He is calling us to a place of unreserved surrender. Where we no longer claim control or ownership over our bodies and let God take the lead.


I know this post is quite a long read but I have learnt so so much from it. I really do hope you all learn a few things from post.

Please feel free to ask questions and also provide additional input.

I do not know it all and so I would love to keep learning.
Till next time.




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